
Do your best work,
with AI Assistants

Learn how to build hyper-specific custom GPTs with ChatGPT in 1-hour for free.Without writing any code!Custom GPTs are AI assistants you can build on top of ChatGPT to focus on a particular task or set of tasks.They can be used for both personal and public use. I've been working with professionals from lots of industries to build assistants to support a specific task in their workflow.We're going to unpack how you can do this with a step-by-step guide in under an hour.So let's get started. Shall we?

Note: You need a ChatGPT Plus account to create and access AI assistants. It's $20 a month.

This is for you if.

  • You've never built a custom AI assistant before

  • You want to enhance your work with AI

  • You want to work smarter by leveraging new technology

Meet your human.

I'm a Chief Learning Strategist working with world-leading brands.I’ve spent the best part of two decades building and leading high-performing L&D functions.I'm the Founder of the Steal These Thoughts newsletter sharing tools, insights and best practices with a community of thousands weekly.